Project Leader: Amaro Drom, Germany
Project funded by: CERV-2023-EQUAL
No. project: 101143111
Duration: March 2024 – February 2026
- ERGO Network, Belgium
- Romaversitas, Hungary
- Integro Association, Bulgaria
- ROMEA, Czech Republic
- Roma Advocacy and Research Centre (RAVS), Slovakia
- Nevo Parudimos Association, Romania
- Melde und Informationsstelle Antiziganismus, Germany
Amaro Drom is implementing the TAAO project from March 2024 to February 2026, an initiative that contributes to the priority area of protecting EU values and rights by combating hate actions and hate speech, especially focusing on combating these phenomena online against Roma.
The project will contribute to the fight against online hate speech in several ways:
- It will provide essential data and a categorization system for online hate speech from 6 countries, including information on triggers, extent, reach, impact, authors, and recipients of hate speech, and reactions to it, which can lead to better policy implementation and practical measures.
- It will raise awareness among the broader civil society and online content creators (journalists and social media content creators) about the extent and impact of online hate speech against Roma and promote a changed narrative about Roma online.
- It will inform Roma and non-Roma young people about the possibilities of reporting hate speech and encourage more Roma civil society organizations to become trusted flaggers for social media platforms.
- It will establish partnerships between relevant actors to combat online hate speech in six EU member states and strengthen the partners’ focus on online antigypsyism.
The project will have an impact by targeting three distinct groups of people: policymakers, multipliers, and young people.
The methodology of our project consists of combining four different tools to achieve our objectives:
- Monitoring and research: Young Roma hate speech monitors from six countries will follow a common data collection methodology to monitor hate speech against Roma in various online media.
- Partnerships and advocacy: All partners will develop partnerships at the national level to strengthen the fight against online antigypsyist hate speech in their countries and at the EU level and jointly inform policy making and implementation.
- Capacity building and training: Trainers from six countries will follow a common training methodology to empower multipliers to contribute to combating antigypsyist online hate speech.
- Awareness raising and communication: Through online campaigns and dissemination activities, we will inform Roma and non-Roma young people about the possibilities to report online hate speech, disseminate the monitoring results, and support our advocacy efforts.
Monitoring hate speech online, which will involve:
- preparation of a data collection methodology
- a training for 5 young people each who will take care of monitoring in the partner countries, for the introduction and testing of the methodology
- the actual data collection that will take place between August 2024 and October 2025 and will involve a team of 5 young monitors in each partner country
- national reports and summary report
Partnership and advocacy activities that will involve:
- Coalition formation: establishment of bilateral contacts, memoranda of understanding, one coalition meeting per partner
- Advocacy activities (at least one bilateral meeting with decision makers for each partner, at least one public statement or policy document in each partner country)
- National Conferences (end of 2025)
- Conference at European level (from 2026)
Capacity-building activities that will involve:
- Developing a training package on monitoring and reporting hate speech and how to change the narrative about Roma online
- A 4-day training course for trainers that will take place in Bulgaria
- National capacity building activities: at least 4 per partner country (for different target groups)
Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.