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Roma Remembarence and Solidarity
08.12.2023 um 18:00 - 15.12.2023 um 09:00
The 8 day seminar organized by Amaro Drom e.V. will bring together 30 Roma and non-Roma multipliers and youth activists from 7 European countries (Germany, North-Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia and Italy) aims to develop a
comprehensive approach on the issue of Genocide remembrance and education of marginalized youth, their effective involvement and participation in local, national and international programmes, to strengthen cooperation and relations between Roma and non-Roma youth and youth organizations in order to strengthen the conceptual understanding for intercultural dialogue, youth inclusion, empowerment and mobilization, as weil active citizenship and to establish a support system for enhancing Roma youth capacities and developing new projects within the new Erasmus plus Programme.