GREM: Game to Remember
A Game to Remember is a 2-year international project formed by a consortium of 5 organizations from 5 European countries that aims to collect existing Holocaust survivor testimonies and transform them into a series of 5 offline detective mystery games, similar to popular escape rooms.
Get well together
Within a world filled with uncertainty, challenges, and the constant pursuit of overall well-being, the project “Get Well Together” arises as an educational approach to empowerment, resilience, and an alternative approach to inclusion. Youth who are marginalized are confronted with difficulties that require a compassionate and tailored response.
Together Against Antigypsyism Online
Amaro Drom is implementing the TAAO project from March 2024 to February 2026, an initiative that contributes to the priority area of protecting EU values and rights by combating hate actions and hate speech, especially focusing on combating these phenomena online against Roma.